How do we integrate 21st Century Skills using 21st Century Technology if our technology resources are difficult to get a hold of in the classroom? Are there ways we can promote 21st Century Skills without access to the technology? Students have many technology resources at home- what can we realistically expect from them if we ask them to create at home?
In the midst of state testing season, it is near impossible to use computers in the classroom, because they are being utilized for testing. This is simply a reality. So how do we continue to integrate 21st Century skills into a more 20th century looking classroom? Or do we send students home to their own technology and expect that they are working on their skills there?
At my school, we do have interactive white boards as a resource but it is difficult to have many students working on the board at the same time. We have clickers, but it is difficult for students to collaborate and create with these.
I am optimistic that we will continue to do everything we can with what we have in order to guide our students to the 21st Century economy, but I think I need some new solutions. I think I need to put an ad in the paper (so 20th century...). My ad will read "21st Century teacher seeking solutions for integrating 21st Century skills with limited technology resources."
On the other hand, it would probably be more effective to conduct my research using 21st Century technology. Social Media- here I come- I'll see if my tweets and status updates can generate some good discussions.
Onward and Upward!
Post Script: I have created a Quizlet site where my students can review and re-teach at home. There is also an app for Quizlet, so I hope my students can utilize that. There are ideas out there- I just need to find them!
Post Script: I have created a Quizlet site where my students can review and re-teach at home. There is also an app for Quizlet, so I hope my students can utilize that. There are ideas out there- I just need to find them!