Saturday, April 20, 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words...

... and at least a blog post    

I have struggled with blogging regularly. I truly believe blogging has been a good experience for me, but I have had trouble generating ideas for blog posts. As I was reflecting on my course work today, I thought to myself, I wish I could do a post of images. I am awaiting the arrival of my first child this week and I wish I had baby pictures to share. Albeit, I do not, I got to thinking about how I often search Google images for pictures in my classroom presentations and how my librarian recently showed us how to look for pictures that are not copyrighted and can be shared. In advanced search, you just choose "Free to Use or Share".  This has made me a much better image borrower. So today, a blog post- "A picture is worth a thousand words"- on 21st Century Learning. These are images that I associate with 21st Century Learning. 

I love my classroom set of clickers

What good teacher wouldn't have a non-example, right?

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